AI in Education Community of Practice

Over a year ago Bee Shaw and I were interested in finding out more about AI in education, was it just a hyped up echo-chamber, or were people actually using AI to improve learning?

We started a small Community of Practice (CoP) that discussed use cases during online meetings every 2 weeks. These discussions informed the emerging ideas that inspired our research publication on how educators in Aotearoa are using AI.

The community has now grown to over 500 members, all interested in sharing the challenges and opportunities they face in understanding more about AI in education.

Join the Community

The group has collectively established the following goals:

AI Community of Practice Goals:

  1. Community Building: Cultivate a strong community where members can collaborate, share insights, and support each other in the journey of integrating AI into education.

  2. Responsible AI Use and Literacy: Promote responsible AI use in learning by increasing AI literacy among teachers, school leaders, and students. Establish guidelines and boundaries to ensure ethical and effective AI integration in education.

  3. Sharing Best Practices and Challenges: Facilitate the sharing of best practices and the challenges learners face, including strategies for reducing teacher workload, implementing individualised learning, supporting students with learning differences, including neurodivergent students, and aligning assessments with student learning goals.

  4. Current Research and Developments: Stay updated with the latest research, news, and debates in AI and its impact on education. Create a space to explore both innovative possibilities and practical implications.

  5. Resource Identification and Creation: Develop a moderated resource bank and toolkit of useful AI tools for educators, enhancing their ability to integrate AI into their teaching practices.

  6. Innovation and R&D: Serve as an incubator for research and development, fostering innovation and shared responsibility in shaping the future of AI in education.

If you’d like to join the community please click the link below so we can invite you to the fortnightly catch-ups. We’ll also send you an invite to the online community where you can connect with other educators and share resources, ideas and questions about AI in education. Don’t worry if you can’t make it to the online hui, we record these and share with members as a TL;DV summary.

Join the community